Ultra Malgus is a SmashMech version of Reinald. He is very wise, powerful, and utterly committed to keeping the peace of the universe at any cost, Ultra Malgus is the main general of the AutoMii forces, compared to his counterpart "Regimus Prime". A veteran of the battle against Galeem and Darkhon, Ultra Malgus is exceptionally straightforward in his dealings on every level. He makes no bones about some of the questionable projects he's enacted in order to counter the threat of the DeceptiMiis/Decepticon Republic, and doles out both praises and admonishments to his subordinates without hesitation. Ultra Malgus is no slouch, and is unmatchable when it comes to combat. When he needs to enter the fray, the Lightning-Strike Hammer can hit enemies with a powerful thunderclap, and can also call down a devastating lightning storm from the sky